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Are these phots supposed to memories or nightmares?

Carl Garofolo, Jr.
Enjoy the Reunion

Sorry I can't attend but I'll be in England. I hope to see you in 10 years

Bob King
Remembering Father Tobin

Father Tobin to late arriving student to his class:

Errrhhhh, "Where were you?"

"In the back of loujahns bar and grill stuffing your face with bark?"


Student: ah, I am sorry Father, but I dropped my books in the hallway and they got kicked around.


Father Tobin: "Whatda mean!" "You reek of Cigeratte Smoke!"

"Smoke Gets In My Eyes!"

carl garofolo, jr.
Remembering Father Tobin

Father Tobin to late arriving student to his class:

Errrhhhh, "Where were you?"

"In the back of loujahns bar and grill stuffing your face with bark?"


Student: ah, I am sorry Father, but I dropped my books in the hallway and they got kicked around.


Father Tobin: "Whatda mean!" "You reek of Cigeratte Smoke!"

"Smoke Gets In My Eyes!"

carl garofolo, jr.
Remembering Father Augustine (Gus) DiBlazzi

it was in freshman year the midterm exams, and we had Father DiBlazzi as a proctor for our class.  Right before the exam is about to start, Mike Gallione says,hey Fadda if you got D-Blahhs, Take  Alka-Seltzer.  The entire room broke up laughing including Father DiBlassi  


Carl Garofolo Jr
Coach Joe Sullivan Golf Lesson

I was working with Coach on his awful golf swing on the football field,,, I had my trusty sandwedge & he pulls out a driver... I say, Coach, i dont believe thats a goods idea.. He says ; " Dont worry ". Bell rings & I go to class... Phone rings & its Mgr McDermott who wants to see me right away at his office.. Msr says, " There was a windsheild broken in the parking lot of McCloskey by a golf ball & all fingers point to you" ! I say, I was hitting a sandwedge & i can only hit it 80 yards; impossible to carry that shot 150 yards into that parking lot... I walk out of Msrs office & there's Coach Sullivan smiling & red as a beet... he says , "Sully, did you keep your mouth shut ".. Sure did Coach ! Boy, was he ever happy with me.. Patted my back all the way down the hall back to class

John Sullivan
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